The goatee is compact and trendy facial hair style. In fact, it only covers the chin and upper lip with many variations of this short beard style, like the circle goatee, door knocker, Van Dyke, and chin only beard.
What type of goatee are you looking for? This guide shows you all the different style options with photos of our favorite goatee celebrities.
There are a lot of ways to style a goatee, whether you trim away more hair or even dye it for a personal brand.
Here’s a look at our top goatee style picks.
1. Chin Goatee
The chin goatee AKA “chin beard” or “chin only beard” is a classic goatee with no mustache. The chin only goatee has an extra emphasis on the chin hair with the face shaved smooth. See more beard styles without a mustache.

2. Long Goatee
Long goatee styles add hair length to the chin. The goatee is grown out longer on the chin and longer than the surrounding hair.

3. Petite Goatee
The petite goatee style is a smaller variation of the full goatee. The common version is worn with a mustache but the classic version without a mustache AKA under the chin petite goatee.

4. Mustache And Goatee
This is a typical look when people think of the mustache goatee combo. The simplicity is in the disconnected style of the soul patch, goatee, and mustache combination.

5. Goatee Without Mustache
This is a basically the same as your classic goatee sporting only chin hair. The hip and understated look is a perfect starter beard.

6. Extended Goatee
The extended goatee style has a chin beard plus mustache with chin hair that extends up the jawline. Typical styles have the goatee extend almost the full length of the jaw for a unique style.

7. Full Goatee
Full goatee styles commonly have a connecting mustache and a soul patch (strip of hair) under the bottom lip. The hair is grown thick giving the goatee its full appearance.

8. Van Dyke Goatee
Van Dyke Goatee / Goatee Vs Van Dyke
Probably my favorite style, and it’s been popular for centuries! The Van Dyke is a goatee styled after 17th century artist Anthony van Dyke. The beard became such a fashion trend that it persists to this day and the one I wear.
See our Cut and Style Guide for the Van Dyke Beard.
The Van Dyke goatee has a Parisian style with clean-shaven cheeks, a short mustache, small goatee, and soul patch beneath the bottom lip. Typically chin hair is styled to a point. However, there are many variations (below).

9. Goatee And Beard
This is a classic goatee look with longer hair up the sides and down the chin. This is typically achieved through fading or layering with different guards, so that your goatee shape has longer hair than the sides and cheeks. It’s a bit of an unkempt look that can look super stylish if you incorporate definition and neat lines.
Here are a few examples:

10. Anchor Goatee
The Anchor Goatee AKA “Anchor Beard” is a classic style keeping facial hair disconnected to form the shape of a ship’s anchor.

11. Short Goatee
The short goatee is similar in style to the petite goatee, but with a bit more length.
Goatees commonly have shaved cheeks and sides, corralling facial hair to just the chin and sometimes mustache area.

12. Hipster Goatee
The hipster goatee is a soft and understated look. Lightly shaven and barely pronounce look.

13. Circle Goatee
The circle goatee, better know as the “Circle Beard” is a clever look that encircles the mouth. Typically connected with an adjacent soul patch.

14. Asian Goatee
The Asian Goatee is a lightly stated beard style.

15. Stubble Goatee
The stubble goatee is shaved trim to a light scruff, just enough to be noticeable.

16. Goatee with Soul Patch
I’ve seen lots of musicians rolling with the Goatee with Soul Patch look. The look is simple, connecting (not required) the chin hair to the soul patch.

17. Landing Strip
The landing strip is a vertical strip of hair running from under the lower lip down to just under the chin.

18. Chin Puff
The chin puff goatee AKA “Chin Puff Beard” is small strip of chin hair. It’s used as a small accent style.

19. Chin Strap Goatee
The chin strap with goatee is a simple layout of goatee plus the addition of a chin strap beard.

20. Door Knocker
The door knocker beard is really just a goatee that resembles a door’s brass knocker.

21. Tony Stark Goatee
Robert Downey Jr. (RJD) made Iron Man and Tony Stark household names. In the Marvel movies, the Tony Stark Goatee AKA “Iron Man Goatee” is a uniquely styled beard. It’s a disconnected look with sharp angles and fine point edges.

22. Guy Fieri Goatee
Who would Guy Fieri be without his iconic goatee look?

23. Walter White Goatee
There have been many famous faces to sport a goatee. If you like a traditional goatee, you probably thought Walter White on Breaking Bad had the perfect goatee.

However, there are so many varieties of this beard it’s hard to tell which one is the most accurate depiction.
24. Brad Pitt Goatee
From the red carpet to the big screen, Brad Pitt has always shown us hi best goatee styles.

25. Johnny Depp Goatee
Johnny Depp has probably styled every variation of the goatee. Look at our Johnny Depp Beard Style Guide to steal his look.
Johnny is famous for his pirate goatee where he plays the infamous Jack Sparrow.

26. Idris Elba Goatee

27. Tom Hardy Goatee

28. Black Men Goatee
From music moguls to movie stars black men look wildly handsome with facial hair in general but especially wearing goatees. See more beard styles for black men.

29. Famous People with Goatee
Some of the worlds most famous people wear facial hair to perfection. Celebrity goatee styles are mainstream and easy to copy with star-worthy results.

30. Dr. Strange Goatee
The Dr. Strange Goatee AKA “Dr. Strange Beard” has a unique cut. It has swooping angles and sharp-edge lines for a distinct superhero beard.

31. Bald With Goatee
The Bald With Goatee is the perfect look for Common (rapper). A goatee is the perfect compliment to the bald look.

32. Mexican Goatee
The Mexican Goatee is cool symbol of Mexican heritage for men.

33. Devil Goatee
I didn’t really want to add the Devil Goatee AKA “Evil Goatee” to my list but people ask – even outside of Halloween. A good sport, Pierce Brosnan, represents the pointed beard style well.

34. Sideburns Goatee
The goatee with sideburns is a straightforward look. Adding sideburns to a goatee is a natural.

35. Thin Goatee
The thin goatee has very narrow lines. You’ll need a really good trimmer to cut the goatee line thin on the sides.

36. Bad Goatee
A bad goatee is a beard that’s a mess from the grooming to the way it’s grown out. It has an unkept look that just doesn’t work under any circumstances.

37. Viking Goatee
Viking Goatee style is a must-have for badass norse warriors.

38. Biker Goatee
The biker goatee is long and rough around the edges.

39. Thick Goatee
The thick goatee is a full style goat beard with extra facial hair growth. The thicker goatee will require extra maintenance to keep the longer length.

40. The Rock Goatee
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is everyones’s hero and so is his beard. The Rock Goatee is similar to a door knocker or lock beard.

41. Gray Goatee
The gray goatee AKA “white goatee” is a timeless classic full of stature. As your beard hair turns gray, it’s a time to grow a goatee.

42. Patchy Goatee
The patchy goatee grows in light and unevenly. Known for the patches or sparse areas of hair, the goatee doesn’t grow in fully.

43. Braided Goatee
The braided goatee will give your fierce look. The style is a real commitment and could take more than a year to grow out. You’ll need at least 12 inches to pull off the braid.

44. Short Beard Long Goatee
The short beard with long goatee is a unique look. The surrounding beard hair is kept relatively short, while the goatee is grown longer on the chin.

45. Bobo Goatee
The mock, Howard Stern Show celebrity, “Bobo” is sporting a new goatee he gladly ripped off of Guy Fieri. What a goof!
Goatee FAQs
What Is A Goatee?
A modern goatee is simply a beard style that’s a combination of chin hair and mustache hair that often connects around the jaw. The modern goatee has evolved to include a mustache, various lengths, several unique style variations, and serves as the foundation for many short beard styles.
What Is A Classic Goatee?
A classic goatee is a beard style grown only on the chin and without a mustache. This original goatee is similar in style to a billie goat, and hence the name.
Are Goatees In Style?
Many celebrities have sported the goatee look for years and usually a good indication that a look is in style. The Van Dyke and anchor beard looks have surged in popularity thanks to famous people who wear them, such as Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt.
Which Goatee Style Is Best?
We think the best goatee styles are a matter of personal preference. However, the best looking goatees are those neatly trimmed around the mouth and chin to accentuate your best facial features.
How to Grow a Goatee?
This is honestly up to the wearer and personal style preference. Start by clean shaving the areas cut with your trimmer. Second, shave and define your neck under your jawline to avoid a neck beard. Then leave hair growth short, typically 1/2 inch or less on your chin.
Most goatee wearers don’t grow their chin hair past the Adam’s apple. In fact, it’s best if you cut it an inch above your Adam’s apple and continue to fade or trim away hair until it looks appropriate for your face shape.
how to trim a goatee
Quick Tips
- Pick a goatee style like a hairstyle that matches your look and personality (see our beard style guide)
- Use an electric clipper and blending shears to shape your goatee
- For patchy beards, focus on the beard and mustache hair first
- Comb your beard regularly and apply a beard oil or balm to keep hair healthy
Is The Goatee For You?
Many guys start growing a goatee because it’s easier than a growing a full beard. You can grow your chin hair and mustache first, then worry about the rest later if you want. It’s best to focus on establishing thicker chin hair over time.
Looking for other beard styles? Check out our celebrity beards.