If you followed Magnum, P.I. or even Dr. Richard Burke on Friends, then you know the famous Tom Selleck mustache. Regarded as one of the most recognized chevron mustaches in Hollywood, Tom Selleck’s mustache style has always been inspiring to men who want that thick, lustrous upper lip sweater.
The Tom Selleck mustache is a bushy, thick Chevron mustache that’s grown just slightly longer than the upper lip. This manly facial hair trend is nearly as famous as Selleck himself and can be seen in his shows like Blue Blood and Magnum P.I..
Throughout the 1990s, Selleck was a popular figure for men’s facial hairstyles. We take a look back at his famous mustache and his current facial hair style.
Tom Selleck Mustache Famous Looks
While the actor has often been compared to the mustached Clark Gable, Tom Selleck’s mustache became well known for its sleek, well-maintained look. It also helped that Magnum P.I. had 6.5 million viewers and nearly 32 million viewers for season 2 of Friends.
Due to his own meticulous trimming and thick growth, no one else can grow a mustache like Selleck. Selleck’s mustache even has multiple Twitter accounts:

These are some of the mustaches that Tom Selleck has grown over the years.

Tom Selleck No Mustache

How to Grow and Style a Tom Selleck Mustache?
Unlike other celebrity beards and mustache looks, the Selleck ‘stache always has a similar thickness and shape. This Chevron mustache is a striking facial hairstyle. So how does the legendary actor create this look? He once said that part of his mustache growth is related to genetics and going through puberty.
To get this look, you’ll need some tools:
- Mustache comb
- Electric mustache trimmer
- Mustache scissors
- Mustache wax, beard balm or beard oil
- Beard filler pencil (optional)
You’ll also need to follow these expert tips to trim and cut your mustache like the Magnum, P.I. star.
1. Clean Shave Around Your Mustache
If you want to get the same look as Tom Selleck, you’ll need to clean shave your chin, cheeks, jawline, and neckline. This leaves only a bushy, thick mustache on your upper lip.
2. Comb Your Mustache
After shampooing and washing your facial hair, you’ll dry it and then comb through. Your mustache hair should be flat so you can get the right length. With either barber shears or your electric trimmer, you’ll carefully trim the bottom edge of your mustache. It’s important to have a straight line of facial hair just above your upper lip.
3. Treat Your Mustache Hair
Apply a beard balm or beard oil after the trim to moisturize. This ensures that your hair remains shiny and healthy. If you want to style with mustache wax, you can apply a small dab and work through to the ends.
Tom Selleck doesn’t typically curl the ends of his mustache, but it’s up to you how you style your thick mustache. As long as it covers your upper lip and hangs just over the corners of your mouth, you can achieve this classic mustache look.
4. Groom and Maintain
If your mustache loses its shape, you can use barber shears to clip away and maintain the structure, particularly the bottom line.
Regularly combing and trimming your mustache will ensure that its shape doesn’t become too bushy and wily. Part of Selleck’s facial hair appeal is that it’s well-groomed and maintained.
What Does a Tom Selleck Mustache Style Say About You?
When you grow a Selleck style mustache, you’ll have facial hair that transcends the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. It’s one of the most recognized facial hair looks for men, making it also an incredibly masculine style too.
If you have nostalgia for classic facial hair styles and want to time travel to the good ‘ol days, then the Tom Selleck mustache is the perfect look to try.