Scalp Micropigmentation After 5 Years: How Does it Look?


scalp micropigmentation after 5 years

Scalp micropigmentation has gained popularity over the years as a revolutionary hair loss solution that gives you the look of hair with a hair follicle replication tattoo. However, many people are concerned about the longevity of this procedure and wonder what happens to scalp micropigmentation after 5 years.

The challenges of scalp micropigmentation after 5 years can be worrying for some. Some people may be concerned about fading or discoloration of the pigment. Others may ask about changes in their hairline or scalp. These challenges can cause anxiety and uncertainty, especially for those who have invested time and money into the procedure.

Fortunately, there are solutions to these challenges. With proper aftercare and maintenance, scalp micropigmentation can last for many years. It is important to find an experienced professional who can guide aftercare and touch-ups to maintain the longevity of the procedure.

Let’s explore the various factors that affect the longevity of scalp micropigmentation and provide tips on ensuring that your results last for years.

How does scalp micropigmentation work?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses specialized inks to create the illusion of a fuller head of hair. The process involves tattooing tiny dots onto the scalp to replicate the look of natural hair follicles. The procedure takes 1-4 sessions, depending on the size of the area to be covered, and each session can take up to 5 hours.

To create the illusion of a fuller head of hair, the technician applies the ink in a series of tiny dots that mimic the size, shape, and color of natural hair follicles. The result is a natural-looking hairline virtually indistinguishable from a real head of hair. The process is painless, and there are no side effects. After the procedure, the results are visible within 3-5 hours and finalized after 5 days.

SMP hairline restoration visualization
SMP hairline restoration visualization

What are the steps in getting scalp micropigmentation done?

The scalp micropigmentation is a hair loss solution typically involving several steps.

  • First, a consultation is conducted to assess the client’s scalp condition, skin type, and medical history.
  • Next, a customized hairline design is created based on the client’s preferences and facial structure.
  • During the actual micropigmentation process, specialized equipment and techniques are used to create the appearance of hair follicles.
  • Additional sessions may be required to achieve the desired level of density and coverage.
  • Aftercare instructions include avoiding sun exposure and keeping the scalp clean and moisturized.

Overall, scalp micropigmentation is a safe and effective solution for hair loss that can restore confidence and a full-looking head of hair.

How does SMP look after 5 years?

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a semi-permanent treatment that typically lasts between 3-5 years on the scalp. While some factors, such as daily sun exposure and aftercare, can affect the durability of SMP, high-quality ink and a skilled SMP practitioner can help maintain the longevity of the treatment.

After 5 years, some fading may occur, but this can be addressed with touch-ups to maintain a fresh look. However, before and after photos show that SMP can still look natural and vibrant even after several years.

For example, a client who received SMP in 2020 had a touch-up after almost 2 years, and all pigments settled properly without any migration or total fading. Overall, SMP is a great option for those looking to transform their appearance and can provide long-lasting results with proper maintenance.

Why does fading happen with scalp micropigmentation after 5 years?

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) can fade after 5 years due to several factors, including the individual’s immune system, skin type, exposure to sunlight, and skincare routine. The body perceives the pigments as foreign matter and will break them down gradually, while our skin constantly renews itself, shedding pigmented cells over time.

Excessive exposure to sunlight and harsh skincare products can also quicken the fading process. Proper aftercare, including following a skincare routine recommended by an experienced practitioner and protecting the scalp from sunlight, is crucial to maintaining the pigment’s color and vibrancy.

Choosing a reputable practitioner who can provide guidance about aftercare and follow-up appointments is essential for effective SMP over time.

Final Thoughts

Scalp micropigmentation is a popular treatment for hair loss. See if it’s right for you. Be sure to do your research and choose a reputable technician. After your treatment, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician to ensure the best results.


How long does scalp micropigmentation last?

Scalp micropigmentation can maintain its appearance for approximately four to six years. Over time, the pigmentation may start to fade, necessitating touch-ups to restore the original intensity of the color due to the skin’s natural exfoliation process.

Does SMP fade completely?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is designed to fade gradually over time. Typically, the pigmentation can fade significantly within 24 months, driven by the body’s natural processes that break down and absorb the smaller pigment particles.

How does scalp micropigmentation age?

As scalp micropigmentation ages, it tends to fade gradually over five to eight years. This fading process is influenced by natural skin exfoliation and can be accelerated by factors such as sun exposure, leading to a need for periodic touch-ups.

What fades scalp micropigmentation?

Exposure to UV rays from the sun is the main factor that causes scalp micropigmentation to fade. Regular sun exposure can rapidly break down the pigments, leading to a loss of color and definition in the micropigmented area.

Why does a conventional tattoo last longer than SMP?

Conventional tattoos last longer than Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) because the ink is deposited deeper into the skin. SMP pigments are placed in the upper dermal layer, making them more prone to fading from natural exfoliation and sun exposure.

How does SMP look after 10 years?

SMP can last up to 5 years or longer, but UV exposure can fade it faster. Results vary from person to person, and it’s important to have realistic expectations. After 10 years, SMP may have faded, but a touch-up can restore its appearance.

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I'm the founder of Bald & Beards, an amateur barber and I've been obsessed with men's grooming, styles, and trends for over 20 years.