Upgrading to wet shaving? See the differences between shaving cream vs soap, so you know what ingredients will work best for your skin and shaving style.
Both shaving soaps and creams provide better lubrication so that your razor glides along your skin while delivering a close shave. However, there are other differences to keep in mind, so you pick the right products.
Shaving Soap vs Cream – What’s Best for Wet Shaving?
When it comes to a great lather, both shaving creams and soaps can provide a good barrier between your razor and skin. Wet shavers use both of these products as they’re very similar in quality, but there are some advantages with each one.
Just with a dime-sized amount of shaving cream, you can build a rich lather. However, shaving soaps offer a great shave for oily skin and have amazing scents.
For wet shaving, both of these products provide smooth results. The ingredients also matter, as you want to have a smooth post shave result.
My Favorite Products
- Proraso Shaving Soap In A Bowl (refresh)
- Proraso Shaving Cream, Protective and Moisturizing with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E
Best Shaving Cream for Straight Razor Shaving
What is Wet Shaving?
Wet shaving simply describes shaving with water, as opposed to shaving with an electric razor. For traditional wet shaves, a shaving soap or cream is used to lather up your face using a shaving cream brush.
Proponents of wet shaving like myself always say that you get a much closer shave that’s free of razor burn and bumps. Thus, many men with sensitive skin prefer wet shaving to electric razors and trimmers.
Here’s a guide to how each of these wet shaving products work:
What is Shaving Soap?
Shaving soaps are solid bars made with saponifying fats like potassium and sodium hydroxide. Due to the high stearic acid content, shaving soaps provide a stable lather, more slickness, and softening agents.
The main difference between wet shaving with soap and shaving cream is that it takes longer to get a good lather. So you’ll definitely want to up your game with shave soap and brush for unbelievable lather.
In addition, shaving soaps are quite different than shaving with regular bar soap. Regular bath soap doesn’t have the same fat and oil content, so it dissipates faster. Shaving with regular soap frequently leads to dry skin.
You’ll need to use more water and purchase a high-quality shave brush to get the most out of your shaving soap.

Shaving Soap Ingredients
- Tallow: High in stearic acid. Better for moisturizing the skin and healing after a close shave.
- Glycerin: Creamier and easier to lather, better for quick shaving.
- Oils: Some soaps will use coconut oil or jojoba oil in their formulas for hydration and more stability.
- Humectants (Moisturizing Agents): Aloe vera, allantoin, goat’s milk, jojoba oil, kokum butter, or shea butter may be used for more hydration, as well as antiseptics.
- Hybrid: Blends the two nicely and may be best for sensitive skin.
Shaving Soap Benefits
- High-quality, close shave
- More concentrated, provides more product
- Provides smooth barrier for razor to glide
- Great for all skin types, but works really well for oily skin
Tips for Wet Shaving with Soap
- Wet your shaving brush for a few minutes in a warm bowl of water or in your sink.
- Use a badger hair shaving brush as it retains more water.
- Once your brush bristles have soaked in warm water, place on the shaving soap and swirl in circular motions.
- Your shaving soap should begin to lather up immediately, leading to a rich lather in about 20 seconds.
- Apply the shaving cream with the brush to areas you want to shave, using a circular motion.
- If you need more shaving cream, just repeat process making sure bristles are moistened with warm water first.
What is Shaving Cream?
Shaving creams combine surfactants, emollients, humectants, and water, making it faster to foam up quickly. The best lathering shave creams also have quality oils in their formula, such as coconut oil.
I personally recommend using shaving cream for safety razor shaves.

Do you need shaving cream?
Typically, it’s easier and more effective to shave with something more than water. So whether shave soap or cream or even gel.
So you need to prep your facial hair using shave cream and brush to spread and lather the cream. BTW – this is the easier than using your hand – trust me!
Unfortunately, one drawback to shaving cream is that it doesn’t last as long as shaving soaps. You’ll typically go through creams in a matter of 7-14 days or faster if you shave every day.
Shaving Cream Ingredients
- Surfactants: These ingredients allow the cream to foam up and provide cushion for shaving.
- Emollients: These lubricate and condition the skin for shaving.
- Humectants (Moisturizing Agents): Aloe vera, allantoin, goat’s milk, jojoba oil, kokum butter, or shea butter may be used for more hydration, as well as antiseptics.
- Water: Makes it fast to lather up and serves as the solvent by which other substances dissolve.
Unlike shaving foams and gels that come in aerosol cans, shaving creams come in large pots or tins.
If you need a Shaving Cream Alternative, we list our Top 7 that really work.
Shaving Cream Benefits
- Lathers up quickly with shaving brush
- Leaves skin feeling soft and moisturized
- Typically have a greater variety of scents
- Can be used with cartridge razors, safety razors, or straight razors
Tips for Wet Shaving with Shaving Cream
- Place a shaving brush in warm water, soaking for about 60 seconds. Bristles should be soft and warm so you get a rich lather.
- Use a dime-sized amount at first, dipping directly on the brush.
- Lather your face using circular motions, using more cream if necessary until your skin is covered.
- Remember to shave in the opposite direction of hair growth.
Final Thoughts: Shaving Soap vs Cream
Shaving soap is best for those who want a high-quality lather that will last a long time. It’s also best to use shaving soaps if you have sensitive skin.
Shaving cream lathers up faster, but the product doesn’t last as long as shaving soap.
With both products, you’ll want to purchase a badger bristle shaving brush and possibly a shaving bowl, so you can quickly go through your wet shaving routine.