Extended Goatee: How to Grow, Style & Trim


extended goatee beard

For some men, it’s all about the sideburns, and other men the hairstyle and others the goatee styles. The extended goatee style will change up the way you wear your facial hair. This allows you to change up your appearance and highlight new angles in your face.

Both variations of the traditional goatee are easy to achieve, technically speaking, so we’ve included a guide if you want to grow out your goatee over a larger area and change up your jawline.

What is the Extended Goatee?

The Extended Goatee is a beard style that’s a blend of classic goatee and mustache, with facial hair “extending” to the jawline. This look is popular amongst celebrities and sometimes referred to as the Tailback, and often mistaken for the Hollywoodian beard.

It’s a clean look that can be styled into unique variations by simply changing the outline angles and jawline length.

Extended Goatee vs Hollywoodian Beard

The extended goatee and Hollywoodian beard are similar facial hair styles that follow the same basic facial outline. On both, the mustache connects to the goatee and hair is grown along the jawline without sideburns.

However, the Hollywoodian is more of a “throw back” beard with old Hollywood nostalgia and is much thicker and longer around the chin and jawline. Where the extended goatee simply outlines the jawline and the chin hair is cut tighter.

Unique Goatee Style

The extended goatee style has facial hair along your upper lip, chin, and around the jaw. Facial hair is clean-shaven halfway up the jaw. This look also has a clear separation from sideburns with little to no sideburn hair.

Technically, this style can have a slight “S” curve along the side of the chin and down to the jaw, but this is only for those who like very neat lines. Others grow out the extended goatee with light stubble along the edges or even fade those edges.

Here’s a look at the modern extended goatee style:

John Travolta extended goatee
John Travolta extended goatee (shallow jawline hair with sideburns). Image source: Yahoo! News
Extended goatee style
Extended goatees may have stubble or fade out to the sides, but they don’t connect to sideburns.

This look is the perfect style for any face shape, particularly if you want to trim and maintain a professional beard style.

Celebrities with Extended Goatees

Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam extended goatee
Shorter extended goatee with no sideburns on Sons of Anarchy actor Charlie Hunnam at the “King Arthur Legend of the Sword” World Premiere in 2017.

John Travolta

John Travolta extended goatee
You can clearly see the “S” curve of the outline of this extended goatee on John Travolta.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale Extended Goatee
Image courtesy of Men’s Health Magazine.

Leonardo DiCaprio

This is the classic Hollywoodian Beard. It’s very similar to the extended goatee, but the chin hair is longer and the hair along the jaw is longer and thicker.

Leonardo DiCaprio Hollywoodian beard style
For Django Unchained, Leonardo grew out his traditional goatee for a longer Hollywoodian beard.

See more Celebrity Goatees.

Extended Goatee Style Guide

There are a few ways to wear this goatee style with unique designs edged into facial hair along the jaw. Since it’s a partial full beard without the sideburns, you may need to grow an extended goatee over a period of time to get the desired shape and consistent length.

While this look requires some thick facial hair on the chin, you can style this look with a patchy beard by keeping it short and fading it out to your jawline and sideburns. We’ll give you some tips on how to get this look below.

Style tools and products

How to Style

1. Grow Out Your Goatee and Jawline Beard

This look requires a thicker mustache and goatee, with hair grown slightly underneath the chin and halfway up the jaw. You’ll want to have some thick growth in order to shape the hair along your jawline.

It could take as much as 2 weeks to grow your hair out a little longer. If you already have thick hair, you can start cutting this beard style right away.

2. Shape the Curved Outline

If you’re starting off with a full beard and sideburns, you should use an electric shaver or a safety razor with no guard to create the initial outline of the extended goatee. You’ll clean-shave around your beard to create this shape. The goal of this look is to keep hair thicker around the bottom of the chin and let it grow out towards your jaw.

Extended goatee style chart
The extended goatee is a variation of the original goatee, just like the anchor and Balbo beard.

The neckline should start an inch above your Adam’s apple. Shaving a neckline can be tricky, so go slow and watch how much hair you shave away from under your jaw. This can change your face shape and may look awkward if the hair isn’t lined up properly.

See How to Line Up Your Beard (5 Easy Steps)

3. Trim Up Your Goatee Hair

If you like the length of your extended goatee, you don’t have to do much more after defining the outline. However, if you want to have a uniform hair length, you can use combs or blade guards to achieve the right length for your beard.

With #2 to #3 guards, your beard will be quite short, akin to long stubble. If you want to keep the length, you may want to try a longer guard such as a #4 or #5, but your barber shears can also help you clean up the length.

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I'm the founder of Bald & Beards, an amateur barber and I've been obsessed with men's grooming, styles, and trends for over 20 years.